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Opis proizvoda: FILTER ZA USISIVAČ BOSCH 12015942

Osigurajte dugovečnost svog usisivača i održavajte kvalitet vazduha u vašem domu uz originalni BOSCH filter za usisivače (12015942). Dizajniran da pruži optimalnu zaštitu motora, ovaj filter garantuje efikasan rad vašeg uređaja i doprinosi očuvanju higijene u vašem prostoru.

Specifikacije proizvoda:

  • Tip filtera: Zaštita motora
  • Dimenzije: 190 x 62 mm
  • Pakovanje sadrži: 1 filter

Zašto izabrati originalne BOSCH delove?

Korišćenje originalnih delova, poput ovog BOSCH filtera, ključno je za pravilno funkcionisanje vašeg uređaja. Originalni filteri su proizvedeni prema najvišim standardima kvaliteta i precizno su prilagođeni vašem modelu usisivača, čime se osigurava maksimalna efikasnost i dugotrajnost. Pored toga, samo originalni delovi pružaju sigurnost i pouzdanost koje su sinonim za BOSCH brend.

Važnost filtera za zdravlje i higijenu

Filteri za usisivače igraju ključnu ulogu u očuvanju zdravlja i higijene vašeg doma. Oni zadržavaju fine čestice prašine, alergene i mikroorganizme, sprečavajući njihovo vraćanje u vazduh tokom usisavanja. Na taj način, doprinosite stvaranju čistije i zdravije životne sredine za svoju porodicu, što je posebno važno za osobe sa alergijama ili respiratornim problemima.

Pored zaštite vašeg zdravlja, ovaj filter štiti motor usisivača od čestica prašine i prljavštine, čime se produžava vek trajanja uređaja i održava njegova visoka efikasnost.


Uz BOSCH originalni filter za usisivače (12015942), uživajte u vrhunskoj čistoći i bezbrižnosti. Investirajte u kvalitet i sigurnost – izaberite filter koji pruža optimalnu zaštitu i pomaže u očuvanju zdravlja vašeg doma.

Neka vaš usisivač radi besprekorno uz kvalitet koji garantuje BOSCH!



BBH6P25-01, BBH6P25-03, BBH73275-08, BCH732KAU-07, BCH732KAU-08, BCH73PETTW-03, BCH73PETTW-07, BCH73PETTW-08, BCH7A32KCN-07, BCH7A32KCN-08, BCH86HYG1-03, BCH86HYG1-06, BCH86HYG1-09, BCH86PETAU-06, BCH86PETAU-09, BLH86PET1-03, BLH86PET1-06, BLH86PET1-09
BBH6P25/01 Athlet 25.2V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner marron glacé / black 9607 9702
BBH6P25/03 Athlet 25.2V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner
BBH6P25K/01 Athlet 25.2V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner white / whitealuminium 9607 9703
BBH6P25K/03 Athlet 25.2V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner white / whitealuminium 9707 9902
BBH6PZOO/01 Athlet 25.2V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner tornadored white aluminium 9612 9705
BBH6PZOO/03 Athlet 25.2V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner
BBH73260K/01 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner white / white aluminium, Adapter for hose, Hose with handle, Profi 9702 9703
BBH73260K/03 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner white / white aluminium, Adapter for hose, Hose with handle, Profi 9703 9806
BBH73260K/07 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner 0005 0008
BBH73260K/08 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner 0008 0206
BBH73275/01 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner sandstone metallic / white aluminium 9708 9711
BBH73275/03 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner 9803 9910
BBH73275/07 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner
BBH73275/08 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner
BBH7PET/03 Zoo'o 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner TORNADO RED 9911 9911
BBH7PET/07 Zoo'o 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner TORNADO RED 0007 0303
BBH7SIL/03 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner Iridium silver 9908 9909
BBH7SIL/07 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner Iridium silver 0007 0309
BBH87POW1/08 Athlet ProPower 36Vmax Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner 0006 0306
BCH6HYGGB/02 Athlet 25,2V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner dark navy 9702 9801
BCH6HYGGB/03 Athlet 25,2V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner dark navy 0009 0010
BCH6HYGGB/09 Athlet 25,2V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner
BCH732KAU/03 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner Iridium silver 9809 9912
BCH732KAU/07 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner 0006 0006
BCH732KAU/08 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner 0006 0112
BCH732KTGB/01 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner white / white-alu 9701 9704
BCH732KTGB/03 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner 9706 0002
BCH732KTGB/07 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner 0005 0006
BCH732KTGB/08 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner 0010 0012
BCH73PETTW/03 Zoo'o 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner TORNADO RED 9709 9910
BCH73PETTW/07 Zoo'o 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner
BCH73PETTW/08 Zoo'o 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner
BCH7A32KCN/01 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner
BCH7A32KCN/03 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner 9708 9807
BCH7A32KCN/07 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner
BCH7A32KCN/08 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner
BCH7A32KCN/10 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner
BCH7ATH32K/03 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner Iridium silver/white aluminium 9703 9910
BCH7ATH32K/07 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner
BCH7ATH32K/08 Athlet 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner
BCH7PETGB/01 Zoo'o 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner 9701 9705
BCH7PETGB/03 Zoo'o 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner 9706 0003
BCH7PETGB/07 Zoo'o 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner
BCH7PETGB/08 Zoo'o 32.4V Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner
BCH86HYG1/03 Athlet 28Vmax Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner 0003 0003
BCH86HYG1/06 Athlet 28Vmax Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner 0001 0109
BCH86HYG1/09 Athlet 28Vmax Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner 0102 0204
BCH86HYG2/03 Athlet 28Vmax Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner 0003 0003
BCH86HYG2/06 Athlet 28Vmax Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner 0004 0109
BCH86HYG2/09 Athlet 28Vmax Cordless handstick vacuum cleaner 0102 0203

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